Small Change, Big Impact: Random Acts of Kindness

random acts of kindness, Best Self Magazine 

Random Acts of Kindness Can Feed Our Souls

There are certainly monumental life events that stop us dead in our tracks…and then there are those seemingly not so monumental ones that quietly leave their imprints upon our hearts. These are the ones that slip in often unnoticed. They are also the ones full of miraculous wonder.A few years ago, having just pulled into a parking spot along the sidewalk, I sat quietly in my car digging in the deep cavern of my handbag, scrounging for loose change to feed the parking meter. It was late afternoon with epic sunshine beaming through the windshield, obstructing my view. Out of nowhere I suddenly caught glance of a silhouette of a person standing before the meter. Immediately assuming it was a traffic officer, I attempted to untangle myself so that I could make my presence known, thus avoiding being issued a ticket. However, much to my astonishment, the individual was no ticketer, but instead a little meter angel. He had no idea that I was sitting there in the front seat observing him. And suddenly I realized what he was doing.He had been strolling down the sidewalk and glanced upon an expired meter. Reaching into his pants pocket he pulled out coins to feed it. After popping a few in, he continued upon his way. I sat there agape for a few seconds. Like a fly on a wall, I had witnessed a ‘just because’ kindness from a stranger. I was giddy with delight and even today — it has left its lasting impression upon me. It was whimsical and it was fun. I still remember how there was a true lightness of being to his gait as he walked off into the sunset. I never forgot it. I rarely look at a meter now without remembering him.We make excuses to ourselves and others every day about why we can’t do this or that, why we’ll get to it later or after such-and-such is done. The reality is that the grace of being alive is in these in-between moments – in between rushing here and there, point A and point B, this task and that one. In between these points is the clean open slate for delight.

Feeding someone’s expired meter is like a secret kiss of humanity. It doesn’t require accolades and it may go completely unnoticed – however, not to the Universe.

When you find small ways to make the world a kinder, more compassionate and loving place — you are planting seeds for something much more significant to grow and expand. We don’t always witness the fruits of our labors, but we always feel them. When we playfully find ways to put forth random acts of kindness, we feed our best selves. And when we release ourselves from the attachment to being commended — which is ego-driven — our heart can sing.If you truly want to feel better about anything, find a way to make someone else feel better. Small change, perhaps only a few quarters…but oh, such possibility and impact. Big change can come from small moments of grace. Be on the look out for expired meters and opportunities. When we feed one's parking meter, we are feeding our souls. But be forewarned, one side effect may cause an extreme case of delight.Been impacted by kindness, either toward or from you? Please share in the comments below!


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