Have you ever walked through the valley of denial dismissing the red flags smacking you in the face…
…maybe in a relationship, a job or with yourself?
My upcoming memoir, currently titled Released is the story of how I obtained my PhD in NOT seeing life’s warning signs — how it led me down the runways in Paris, through marriages and life destruction that included a husband who went to prison in a high-profile Wall Street scandal leaving me homeless and penniless with a toddler in tow.
But this is ALSO the story of healing, awakening and becoming.
It is about how I let go of my infinite search for life’s operating instructions and instead activated my own inner medicine woman, my intuitive self — and how I found true love in a small white farmhouse in the mountains.
Why did I wait so long to tell my story? Because we cannot write from the wound while the healing is writing its next chapter. This isn’t the story I wanted to tell. I wanted to wrap that up neatly in a shimmery bow. There are parts that make me squirm, parts I wish I didn’t have to admit partaking in, decisions I wished I hadn’t made, frogs I regretted kissing…but it’s raw and real and only sharing the truth and seeing our own reflection, shall set us free. I’m done hiding, shaming and blaming.
I have been up and I have been down, I have been rich and I have been poor, I have felt joy and been cracked open, I’ve played small and I’ve taken bold steps. I’ve leaned in and I’ve crawled back on my knees. One thing I’ve learned for sure is that every ‘wrong’ decision I’ve made has opened the door for the ‘right’ one (well, eventually).
This is the journey to becoming me (all of it) and I want you to find YOU too.
““Kristen’s message of hope, renewal, and self-empowerment is universal. It is the triumph of the soul and her personal renaissance that undoubtedly stays with you…””