Intuitive Life Coaching
Full disclosure: life coaches have always been some of my most favorite people.
Why? Because they are in the business of helping other people help themselves. A life coach isn’t a magician who waves a wand eradicating life’s discomfort. They actually do something better—they teach sustainable skills so their clients can do it for themselves. I can’t honestly think of a better “job” than that.
I FINALLY took a spoonful of my own medicine, got out of my own way, stopped making excuses and fulfilled a dream I had carried a long time — to get certified. As an Atmana Academy Intuitive Life Coach, I have taken ownership of my desire to serve others in this way.
Intuitive coaching is the most effective tool for accessing the deepest and most meaningful results.
First off, let’s clear one thing off the table: Woo Woo gets a bad rap! We think of our intuition as a playful pastime or side gig, dismissing its incredible force in our lives. The undeniable truth of who we are is found within the heart.
Intuitive coaching is the marrying of science and spirit. We cannot separate how we feel, think, sense, experience life — from the action steps we take to heal. Today, society guides us to ‘overthink’ — but we cannot think our way to healing. We have to feel our way there. Following one’s heart is the most courageous thing one can do.
My life, my writing, my work, my coaching and all my creations are dedicated to one thing — making meaning from the mess. Witnessing clients activate their intuitive selves is like witnessing a slice of grace.
I guide people back to their hearts and help activate their intuition so they too can rise yet again, no matter how far they have fallen or how disconnected they have become.
Think of me as the jumper cables between you and your intuition…and the dreams you hold.
Are you ready to use what has been thrown at you or be used by it? It’s a choice. It’s an opportunity of a lifetime. Are you ready to become your Best Self?
““The most delicious part of Kristen’s work is her ability to call forth our own inner warrior, the spirit that lives within us, that knows no limits. She summons it forward as if to say, ‘Wake up Silly, you are ON; what are you waiting for?’””
““Kristen brings forth what is possible when we are aligned with our purpose and passion. She has a special gift for elevating others – for guiding them with inspiration and tools that empower them to successfully reach toward their goals, dreams and their own best self.””