Rose-Colored Glasses or Blinders? Unmask Your Intuition

 rose-colored glasses

Habitual behavior patterns can blind us from our intuition


Are you selling yourself a bill of goods? When do our rose-colored glasses become blinders from the truth?The so-called path of least resistance is sometimes anything, but that. How many times have you heard advice throughout your life like, “let’s not rock the boat,” or “leave well enough alone,” or “let’s not upset the apple cart,” etc.?Honestly, it’s this kind of thinking that creates internal chaos as passive aggressive behavior takes root. And those roots can hold on with voracious fervor throughout our lives and lead us further astray from our own intuition and inner compass.Lately I’ve been witnessing many people turning outward for answers, asking others, what do you think I should do? Translation: I don’t want to face what I already know – do you have another spin on this so I can mindlessly carry on ignoring my intuition? Whether it comes to love, careers, finances or our relationship to self – if you don’t have your own back, who will? Besides, you’re the one who has to live with the untruth. You set the tone for all that follows. The path of least resistance is the one that tells us let’s just pretend this never happened so we can get back to what we were doing. But it did happen, I do feel this way so, I hate to break it to you — sweeping it under the rug doesn’t make it go away. Eventually you will trip over it.And as the goddess of affirmations, Louise Hay, says, ‘If you want to clean a house, you have to first see the dirt.”When we operate from fear, we not only stray, we run from ourselves. Fear of being alone keeps many anchored to unhealthy relationships. Fear of lack keeps us in unsatisfying professions. Fear of the unknown keeps us entrenched in the status quo. Fear of flying keeps us on the ground. Feeding this unhealthiness inhibits our ability to create room for authentic relationships to come in.

The first authentic relationship is that to SELF.

I’ve been there and I’ll admit, I’ve played the resistance card in subtle (and not so subtle) ways for much of my life. I’ve falsely convinced myself I could change people and situations – but there’s only one thing you can change, and that’s how you interact with the world.I feel the winds of change upon us and I’m not just referring to the seasons. Are you ready? Check this out:

  • Where can you identify resistance in your own life?
  • Where are you abandoning yourself? Are you trying to convince yourself of something that just doesn’t resonate with you?
  • What messages are you receiving that you choose to ignore?

And then have a little tete-a-tete with yourself: OK self, this may seem scary. I know, it makes you want to run back – put things together the way you perceived them to be safe – however, you know better. Something doesn’t feel right here. If I honor what is coming up for me, if I walk away from this person, or this job, or this way I am treating myself…what is the worst thing that can happen?Then ask yourself: Is it worth sacrificing all that is possible – a soul mate, a life of passion, a job that doesn’t feel like work, self-love? Resist the urge to sell yourself short – step out from behind the blinders.And remember, it’s never too late to walk a new path…never.


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