Does Manifesting Really Work?

 Does manifesting really work?

Manifesting really does work; here's living proof


I manifested this.No, I’m serious – I really manifested this. 2 years ago upon returning home from a weekend writer’s workshop, I hung up the lanyard with my nametag aside my desk. I knew something magical had sprouted wings that weekend, something had cracked open within me. And just as I had suspected, an incredible journey ensued. This would stand as my totem reminder. Did I mention that the day I slung it over the corner of a picture frame to hang proudly, I also told my partner Bill, “I’ll be wearing this on stage at a future Hay House Writer’s Workshop.”Snap.Let’s be real, in-Vogue spiritual terms are continuously tossed around somewhat gratuitously – love and light, Namaste, awakening, etc., and lots of talk about manifesting this, that and the other thing. Don’t get me wrong I whole-heartedly believe in manifesting in theory, but this was the first time I had undeniably declared something (that, mind you, was quite a stretch at the time I avowed it) – and brought it fully to fruition. That said, we manifest things each and every day, big and small all the while never taking stock.You see the issue for many of us is that we are scrambling to find ways to thread our spirituality throughout the aspects of our life as opposed to leaving it on our yoga mats, thus compartmentalizing and fragmenting our human experience. I believe we can manifest our desires with regard to each part of ourselves; our relationship to self, relationship to others, love relationships, our careers, our finances etc. Do you find yourself reading self-empowerment books, but hanging out with people you don’t feel comfortable sharing them with?

Do you have a closeted passion that you make time for on weekends and special occasions, while working at a job that sucks your soul right out of you?

We are all in this process together – a perpetual work in progress. If we combine our passion, purpose, a mission to serve, and a desire to make a difference in this planet – with action, the Universe will heed the call. That’s one show-stopping recipe for success (ie. inner peace and happiness). The magic unfolds in the space where intention meets action. Oh, and I almost forgot the most essential secret ingredient – add a heaping dose of detachment from outcome. Let go of the reins and co-partner with the cosmos. You won’t regret it.I love the work of Esther Hicks / Abraham. I am a devotee. I get the power of our thoughts and their ability to shift not only our current mood, but our reality on a bigger scale. That certainly doesn’t mean that I necessarily achieve a gold star for my disposition each day! Let’s face it – it’s difficult to live as “is,” as you desire to, when it isn’t – when you are struggling or feel like you are drowning in a crisis of confidence. We’ve all been there. I also understand that it’s the only way out because our thoughts are magnets. What we think is what we get.

When I put my prayer out into the Universe about speaking at a future workshop, I literally saw it. I remembered what the stage looked like from the seats below, I saw myself walking across it, I was wearing my lanyard.

And like a letter to the tooth fairy, I put it underneath my pillow with a kiss and set it free. 2 years later, it became reality. Sure, it had crossed my mind during that period and it was paired with my action steps, but how it ultimately came together came from someplace higher, co-conspiring with me.Is there something you want to manifest in your life? Could you release control of all of the navigation tools, set an intention, fortify it with some powerful envisioning, see and feel it as is and then allow it come in its own divine timing? Of course you can. Because if I can do it, so can you. I’m signing off now because I’ve got to get to work – I’ve got some more areas to thread this newly reinforced belief system through! Off to the manifesting workshop. You?


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