Self-Limiting Beliefs: Are You Throwing Yourself Under The Bus?

throwing yourself under the bus, self-limiting beliefs 

Taking down your self-limiting beliefs reveals a Universe of infinite opportunity and abundance

Let’s get real. Are you throwing yourself under the bus?The other day, amidst a casual conversation with a friend regarding her relatively new job, she turned to me and said, well, not everyone gets to love what they do like you. WHOA. Screech on the brakes! Yes, they do! I wanted to scream from my soapbox. Change the channel. Subscribe to a new theory and most of all, stop throwing yourself under the bus.Trust me, I get it. I have a personal treasure trove of perceived obstacles and excuses on standby that can lead me astray at a moment’s notice, putting me smack dab in the midst of fear-based consciousness – falsely leading me to believe that the jamboree has already passed me by. Can you relate? When you look around at others, does it appear as if they have it all going on? We’ve all been there, but the sooner we get this little self-destructive routine under control, the sooner we are able to fly towards our greatest potential and get on with the show. And FYI, the Universe doesn’t discriminate; self-condemnation is our gig – don’t blame it on anyone else.Let’s start with this question: Are the ones you perceive to be successful inspiring or intimidating you?I have abandoned myself many times throughout my life. There’s no sense harping on that. Through a long (and ongoing) process, I have learned to forgive myself and others for all the mishaps along the way. The bottom line is that, more than anything, I’ve learned to talk back to my limiting beliefs. Within each of us resides a sassy, back-talking teenager waiting for a turn on the stage. Where have you abandoned yourself? Where does this show up for you - your career, your love life, your relationship to self and your self-care?

When we play small, or allow ourselves to think that success or loving our work is only for others, we are channeling fear not faith.

While I was thrilled to be perceived as someone who loves what they are doing (and I do), I feel a bit like Nick Ortner of The Tapping Solution fame, when he recently half-joked on stage, “I am a 10-year overnight success.” LOL.When my life fell apart over a decade ago, I clawed my way through the remnants and began the process of rebuilding – more importantly, of re-scripting my story. When I finally pinpointed that YES, I do feel like I have identified a purpose and passion with my life, I was also willing to work hard to hold onto it and move in a new direction. I’m not saying that your path has to be long and arduous – I just have this sense that the Universe had to knock me over in order for me to realize that I was sleepwalking. But that’s just my path; hopefully you are a little more receptive to the intuitive call.

God willing, maybe you “got it” much sooner than I did, but if you haven’t, don’t give up on yourself and your dreams. You may have to insert a little creativity to the mix, but don’t let that deter you.

If you closed your eyes and had the opportunity to design the life of your dreams – what would it be? How does that feel when you think about it? Awesome right - kind of like winning the lottery?! Tell me what is standing between you and that passion-filled experience?What if you simply made one small step in the direction of what lights you up? You see, this is the space where it all happens. You don’t have to have all the answers or have it all figured out. How about just one movement and a little faith…letting the mighty Universe kick in and lend you a hand? You might have to juggle a few things in the meantime, but isn’t it worth it?Can you take ownership of that? Why give up on you? Why settle for less than stardust and passion?

Like I said before, the Universe is an infinite source of abundance in all aspects with your name on it – waiting to be claimed.

Figure out how to move in that direction and refrain from sabotaging yourself. This is a no-throwing-yourself-under-the-bus zone!I believe in you, so why don’t you join me? Let’s take this baby for a spin.


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