Note To Younger Self

photo[2]If you could reach back through time, what would you say to the 15-year old you?I’ve been asked to give a talk to a group of young girls attending a leadership program this coming summer.  It got me thinking about what I would want to tell my 15-year old self?  What sage words of wisdom would I impart upon her?  Where do I begin, ‘cause man, do I have an earful for her.  I decided to expand my research and asked my friends on Facebook the same thing.  The response: Overwhelming, impressive and generous of spirit.  The reason: The concept resonates with all of us.If we can leave the guilt-tripping aside for a moment, and glance back with a kind mind, we just might discover a trail of breadcrumbs leading us to uncover or resolve some inner conflict we have struggled with throughout our lives.  It’s like finding the answer key to our own test.  There is always a lineage connecting us to our inner therapist’s couch.  Rarely do we have an issue within our lives that is not in some form linked to an earlier version of ourselves.The day after I posted my question on Facebook, Kris Carr posted a similar question, and then Oprah posted a Super Soul Sunday advertisement, “Write your younger self a note?” and THEN a friend forwarded me a Huffington Post piece written in the same vein – a compilation of successful and famous women recounting words of wisdom, and what they would have told their 22-year old selves.  HOLD ON a minute please – this was my question.  I had to do an ego check.  Let’s get real – there is no proprietary stake on talking to your younger self.My kneejerk response – jealousy.  I had to take my inner creative hog to task and call her out.  After a little pause to regroup, it was clear.  First step: flip that pancake.  This wasn’t “bad” news.  No one had stolen “my” idea, nor had I from them.  In fact we had borrowed if from the Universe and therein lies the beauty and the synchronicity.  If the same message is popping up all around us, clearly we need to receive it and take heed.  “EGO, take a backseat.  I’m driving this bus.”Perhaps the hidden message is that there is great value in connecting the dots, enabling us to look back and heal forward.  Beautiful signposts are all around us.  Slow down, smell the flowers and read the messages.As a parting gift, I have strung together an abbreviated thread of group consciousness.  These are the jewels of wisdom that came from the community response to my FB question.Be in the moment – learning requires stumbling – make informed decisions – find a mentor – hold onto your dreams, they do come true – stay away from opiates – don’t be afraid to go for what you love – learn to say no – if you are gay, come out! – reinvent yourself as you go – put down the phone and see the world through your own eyes – life is the adventure you create – love self, accept self, make a fool of yourself – get out of your comfort zone – feel your feelings – postpone nothing – wear sunscreen – don’t change YOU to please someone else – don’t have sex until you at least have a driver’s license – don’t sweat the small stuff – stand up for what you want and need – don’t rush to grow up – trust your instincts – tap into that inner compass and guide…it is there, it will guide you.  Listen.What would you say? 


You Again?


I'm Sorry