You Again?

Photo[5]You again?  Don’t you love how you are supposed to look on the bright side and count your blessings when you are smack dab in the midst of a good ‘ol pity party and “faith crisis?”   The sarcastic and snide inner voice responds, complete with eye-rolling, Well, if I could look on the bright side and felt like counting my blessings, I wouldn’t be here in the first place, Einstein.  I don’t want to count blessings - I want to count dollars!  Oh, here we go again...I know, deep breath - been there done that.   I’m beginning to think this is a seasonal emotional flu for me, more of a semi-annual recurring crisis at this point.  Read my blog from January in the archives, Faith On Hold; perhaps you will see a pattern.The so-called crisis is disguised differently for all of us.  For some it is relationships or lack thereof, or career – feeling stuck and not following your passion - or perhaps it is finances.  Money is a tricky thing and even if you have it, it doesn’t mean you don’t worry about it.  Fear in this arena is my Achilles Heel and I think it’s about time to get some new shoes!  (Barney’s New York here I come!)I practice gratitude and consciousness daily.  I meditate and pray, light candles, spritz shamanically charged sprays, purposefully design my days to be of service to others, try to eat healthy, exercise, smile, and above all strive to be my best self…but you know what?  There are just some days that really challenge my intestinal fortitude to stay the course.So I’ve decided to write about my faithless demons – to call them out and take them down for the frauds that they are.  When we allow our fear and our ego to sidetrack our faith, we deflate like a balloon that has just been popped.  And worse yet, we start to believe those voices.  You need to understand that they are lying to you!  You are brilliant, so why can’t you allow yourself to shine?  Call forth the relationships, the passionate career and the abundance that you desire.You know what stands between you and those desired end results - your crisis of faith and your attachment to outcome!  And not to be Captain Obvious here, but who makes the decisions about those to begin with?Don’t you love those success stories of people who were just about to throw in the towel and give up on their dreams...when suddenly, POOF…their dreams come true.  Hey, I want some of that!  So what’s a girl to do?  Have a good ‘ol talk with the Universe.  You are meant to be vibrant and all things abundant.  Are you afraid to listen to yourself?  If you feel passion in your belly about something – keep on truckin.’  You are probably on the right path and YOUR voice needs to be heard.Don’t subscribe to scarcity theories, unless that’s where you want to reside (Kristen, are you listening?)OK, trust me – I know this can appear like a lot of spiritual mumbo jumbo – but we can shift at any point.  Identify what triggers you in the first place and practice not allowing it to take over.  I had a good long bitch-fest in the car this afternoon with the Universe, God, my angels and anyone who would listen.  They can handle it and the purge lightened my load.  Just keep talking and praying and moving straight for your dreams.Life is short, so don’t put your faith on hold.  Allow yourself to feel what you feel and then recalibrate – you’ve got too much good stuff to do.  The world is your oyster.Keep the FAITH.


Can I ASK Again?


Note To Younger Self