The Space Between Thoughts: The Sweet Spot For Your Soul

Photograph of rose in small vase by Tirza van Dijk
Photograph by Tirza van Dijk

Between yesterday and tomorrow, who you think you are and who you are yet to be — lies a sacred space of truth — found in the moment between thoughts


I felt God this morning. Really.

While I was meditating in my living room before the sunrose, suddenly I felt a huge surge of energy in my chest. It was both electrifyingand like a gentle embrace; exciting and soothing. And as I sat there with myeyes closed, tears began to stroll down my cheeks.

They weren’t sorrowful; they were soft and warm and full of compassion.

You know what God is to me? Profound heart-opening, softening, unfolding, devoid of pretenses and defensive protections and posturing.

In that moment, I felt all of those things — deeply moved, touched by grace.

Now let me get something clear here. My meditation practiceis less-than perfect or practiced. And though I know how good it is for me, howit always settles my nervous system, allows me to truly breathe, inspires andquiets me…I resist it regularly, like practically every day. If only I could dothe same with dark chocolate and red wine, but I digress.

I’m calling myself out. I’m also writing about it today because despite my monkey mind, despite the newsletters I start to write in my head while meditating or the imperfectness of it all — meditation is medicine.

I’m certainly no expert on the matter and this isn’t a blog about meditating. It did however remind me of something I overheard this past week while taking a yoga fusion exercise class. Meditation, yoga, God, oh my…I know, I’m really sounding a bit woo woo here — just bear with me.

At the end of our class while we had a few moments of quietguided meditation, the teacher said something about trying to get into thespace between thoughts. Yes! Imagine that for a moment.

The space in between thoughts is the glorious spot devoid of regret and fear, the past and future tripping.

It is the now and it’s fleeting in this world of frenzy we live within. It is the space where you allow yourself to be who you are, to feel what you feel, to not overanalyze any of it because the heart doesn’t rationalize. We do. And in that misguided judgement we steer it away from its pure magnificence.

I think we rush right past that glorious space in an effortto attend to our to-do lists and agendas, to scroll through our social mediaand any other litany of mindless activities. I know I’m certainly good at that.I’m always in motion. My mind is always moving. Busy. Busy. Busy.

Busy bypassing the parts of myself that matter most.

Quote card from Kristen Noel: Find the space between thoughts and rest there.

The truth is that I’m just a seeker trying to show up for mybody, mind and spirit; trying to eat well, drink less wine, exercise more anddeepen my spiritual connection. What does that all really boil down to?I/you/all of us just want to be happy; to live passionately, healthily,abundantly. To love and be loved. To fill and feel fulfilled. To imprint and beimprinted upon. Right?

Yet we push. We charge into our schedules each morning. We grab and go and forget to breathe.

But when you create moments where you can feel God in your heart, you also feel whispers in your soul.

Feeling God in my chest created an opening, a softness, avulnerability and a beautiful sense of peace. I found him/her on my meditationcushion today, but I know you can find God wherever you are; walking in thewoods, daydreaming out the window watching snowflakes gently cascade from thesky, staring deeply into the eyes of someone you love or just feeling deepcompassion for a stranger who walks by on the street.

We need more of that in our lives. We need more time spent within that space of being, not doing. Feeling, not forcing. Leaning in and listening to the stirrings within.

I actually smiled when I felt this beautiful ball of energy.Hi God. Then it occurred to me that perhaps it was my Dad or one of mygrandparents. Maybe it was all of them. I like to believe that we have a legionof descendants gathered around us rooting us on, wanting us to show up as ourBest Selves, to build upon their legacy — to go for more, to feel more, to bemore. Evolution of the soul.

More isn’t about things or bank accounts or accolades. It isabout more YOU; more feeling, more connecting, more consciousness.

Find God today. Make space. Don’t get caught up in the dogma or doctrine. This isn’t about religion or rhetoric…just about your sweet soul setting itself free to be. Call it what you like, just find your space between thoughts — close your eyes while sitting on the bus on the way to work, or in between folding loads of laundry or on your meditation cushion. God will meet you there.

Meditation is not a hobby. You can treat it like a hobby, but if you do you are sort of missing the point. It is, in fact, a tool that can help us transform into kinder, gentler, more compassionate and aware people. But I want to issue a disclaimer: If you are NOT interested in changing as a person, don’t meditate.

~ Lodro Rinzler

Have you ever noticed that swell of excitement or contentment, or a mix of the two roll over you? I’d love to hear about your in-between-the-thoughts moments and how you hold onto them and create more of them. Please share with us in the comments below.


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