Urge To Purge

GalleryWalls-squareSometime in early March, it creeps up on me. By this point I typically have had a belly full of winter – having grown weary of cold temps, shoveling snow and bundling up in layers of the same clothes like “Nanook of the North.” Coming on slowly at first, it stealthily takes over and I become increasingly restless for shift. Having grown weary of the shorter, darker and colder days – my body begins to sense a whisper of spring on the horizon. Each year, it seems to emerge more slowly, or perhaps I become more impatient – which is more likely the case. The older I get the clearer I am – I want what I want when I want it. Ha – so there. This seasonal “thing” is one of the main reasons that I love living in the northeast – it’s in my blood, steeped in memories. Though I will admit, the month of March challenges all the charm there is to be had.However, alas – I am a spring baby, born on the cusp of the Passover/Easter holidays. I resonate deeply with all things renewal. So it is probably of no surprise that I yearn for dramatic shake-ups in all aspects of my life. It’s that time of year and the urge to purge is peeking at me from around the corner. But, where does it begin and end, what should I tackle first? Have you ever noticed that no matter how many times you go through this process, clutter manages to mount yet again? The objects that surround us, both absorb and emanate energy within our space. And looking around my seemingly “tidy” house, I feel there’s some room for improvement in this department. There are days that I have to stop, tidy up and de-clutter in order to carry on. The reality is that all this we are living amongst gets in the way, physically and energetically. During the winter, we hunker down, retreat, eat comfort food, but by spring we are poised to reemerge and release.Recently I started to ruminate over a spring-cleaning like no other, one that trumped all attempts of the past. As I looked around my home I was inspired to clear out as if I was moving to a studio apartment. I know – serious, right?! But when you look around your living space – what do you see? I like order, but I also want to get real with why I am choosing to live with all of this. Think about it all as energy. You are affected not only by the space that you are within, but by all of the objects orchestrating an energetic symphony around you. As you glance across your rooms (open a few closet and drawers as well) – does your stuff make you feel good? Ask yourself it if is serving you or bogging you down. Sometimes even pretty objects that we love, no longer serves us  - think of what they could provide for someone else.While on a walk the other day, a friend of mine shared a refreshing approach, a Japanese method of cleansing your space, which can be found in a book called The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing. As you walk around, pick up an object - ask yourself – does this bring me joy? If not, you are prompted to release it, give it away. Sounds simple right – that is until you start with the excuses. What do you think your answers would be? Maybe you feel indifferent, maybe it doesn’t feel good and reminds you of something you are ready to let go of in more ways than one. Perhaps you feel guilty because it was a gift? Are you ready to take this for a test drive? Imagine cleansing once and for all. 

    • • Start somewhere – there’s definitely a closet or a drawer that needs some attending to. I bet you know right away where to start. Which area in your house is dogging you (you know - the one where you shove everything)?


    • • What about those magazine piles? Skim through them, clip what you want and hasta la vista baby with the rest – off to the recycle bin.


    • • And those books – I know. We love our books and hold some of them as sacred. Could you peruse your shelves and see if there are some you are willing to let go? Donate to your local library – think of it as paying it forward, sharing the love. Imagine your book landing in the hands of just the right person, needing it in that moment.


    • • Do you have a basement, attic or storage space – oh, those are dangerous. Have you ever noticed how your stuff manages to grow in those spaces? Seriously, they are petri dishes for the proliferation of junk. Roll up your sleeves and get in there.


    • • Same goes with clothes (apply all of the above steps, repeat) – chances are if you haven’t worn it this season, you won’t be wearing it next. Let someone else enjoy it before it goes out of style. Clothes are meant to be worn, not stored.


    • • The art of gift giving – there is an art to both giving and receiving. Release the guilt of thinking you have to hold onto every gift given to you.

 • Don’t get overwhelmed – this isn’t a race, there isn’t a deadline or expiration date. Whatever you can empty out of your physical space will create room in your mental space. But I bet that once you get started, there will be no stopping as you become addicted to the openness. AAAAAH…what a breath of fresh air. I get all energized when I think about spring-cleaning. I know this sounds like the Rambo-effort of all spring-cleaning, but then again – I’ve never liked the gray area. It’s usually all or nothing for me. When we de-clutter one aspect of our life, we create room in another. Are you in? Could you use a little energetic purge? Open up the windows of your soul, sweep away the stagnant cobwebs of limited thinking and let the breezes of renewal and possibility in.Where do you want to start?


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