I want a piece of the pie!

photo 2I want a piece of the pie!Well, the good news is that there is plenty to go around - and room for us all, so pull up a chair.Limiting beliefs are our egos’ dirty little tactic to prevent us from playing big in our lives in whatever aspect - relationships, personal goals, self-care, career, finances, even dreaming.  If we subscribe to limiting beliefs and set our expectations low enough, we can blame someone or something else other than ourselves for waylaying our true desires.  That’s a veritable recipe for going-nowhere-fast!  We can tell ourselves there are no more slices, it’s all been eaten up…I’ll just settle for the scraps.SCREECH on those brakes!  Scraps?...I think not!It’s time to hop off the treadmill of excuses.  Before I transitioned from one place in my life to another, from one career to another, before I put myself out into the world with my business and my website, before I allowed myself to be vulnerable…I held my dreams and my passion under tight wraps, close to the cuff – hidden away from the world.  It was comfy-cozy and all protected…just me, myself and I.  And yet, who was I really kidding?  We are often our own worst critic (I take that back – we ARE our own worst critic).  In fact I recently heard a recording of Don Miguel Ruiz’s, Four Agreements, where he states, “no one abuses us more than we abuse ourselves.”  Owning it is a good starting point – own it and we can move on from here.  Let’s choose another channel, can we just agree that we’ve seen that rerun one too many times now?  Start calling yourself out on that one.The first time I attended a writer’s workshop several years back, I was utterly convinced that all the books that needed to be written were already in print, no more room on the bookshelves for little ‘ol me.  Intimidated and awed by the success and stature of the accomplished authors sitting on a panel before me, I felt myself shrink down with each self-defeatist thought.  Though I’m becoming more resilient with combating my egos head-trip, it still rears up like an unexpected dinner guest knocking at the door from time to time.  In those moments of weakness, instead of gleaning inspiration, I was intimidated.   I have since learned to catch myself, and rather than choosing to play small, I declare, “that’s for me -- I want a piece of that pie!”Recently at a phenomenal conference, “Emerging Women,” in New York City, I was surrounded by powerhouse women – both on stage as keynote speakers and sitting in the seats around me.  The energy within the room was undeniable in an electric, Kumbaya, ain’t-no-stopping-me-now kind of way.  But what happens when it’s all over and we have to go home and leave the confines of the ZEN womb?  How do we transfer an infusion of inspiration into our own lives without sabotaging ourselves by virtue of our own insecurities and how do we keep the love flowing and inspire others?  What’s the real take-away?  What does it mean to truly emerge?  By definition, to emerge is to move out of, or away from something and come into view.  What am I here to do?  What is my passion and higher purpose?Even if you are keeping it all bundled up out of the public’s line of sight, in what aspect of your life do you want to emerge and come into view?  I know you’ve got something under wraps.  Remind yourself, that you are capable of limitless possibility.  It’s time to come out.Choose big!  The virtual pie is infinite.  When we look around at others, or hold ourselves up in comparison, we fall off the track and derail our own beautiful purpose and all that we are capable of manifesting in our lives.  The world needs your unique voice.  Take stock of your own inventory and start manifesting all that you were meant to become.Let’s bust out of those cocoons and get our butterfly on…it’s time to fly.TAKE AWAY (share the love tidbits)I took copious notes in my notebook of inspiration from a line-up of keynote speakers at Emerging Women last week.  Each of these women, in their own way, in their own voice, with their own spice and flavor, reiterated a similar message:  Wake up – the time is now – take responsibility – listen to your soul’s voice – activate.Here are a few of my favorite take-aways from each:

Are the people you are hanging with inspiring you or tiring you?”

KRIS CARR - Best-selling author, wellness activist and cancer thriver.


“Dare to speak Goddess, not English!”

“Make your entire life your soul’s stage!”

SERA BEAK – Revolutionary author, speaker, mentor.


“In this world of shifting sands, as painful as it is…this is the time to be present and alive.  This is our chance.  This is the moment for us to lean in.”

“When we ignore wrong-doing – we legitimize the corruption of our own values.”

ZAINAB SALBI - Iraqi-American humanitarian, entrepreneur, filmmaker, author, and a media commentator that has dedicated herself to women’s rights and freedom.


“Be an undercover light-worker!”

“Joy is your responsibility – as we elevate that joy in our life we become more powerful, inspired, intuitive and able to hear that voice that says – SHOW UP!”

GABRIELLE BERNSTEIN - motivational speaker, life coach, and author.


“You are worthy of your desires…it is hard to love yourself in the face of wanting to be loved.”

DANIELLE LAPORTE - bestselling Canadian author, motivational speaker, entrepreneur, and blogger (who, I learned, offers hugs rather than handshakes).


“Remember the world inside us that we must manifest outside of us…remember your revolution, your truth and rise…eat the apple!”

EVE ENSLER - American playwright, performer, feminist, and activist


Time to bust a move, beautiful butterflies.  Do you want one slice or two?


Are you ready to cast your soul's vote?


Where Does It Still Hurt?