What do you have under wraps?

photo 1What do you have under wraps?Better yet, what’s getting in the way of your manifesting it?  Obligations, commitments and promises, Oh My…What informs your daily decisions?  Name the first thing that comes to mind.  Is it money?  Are you bound by golden handcuffs (or do they feel more like rusty shackles)?I have a great deal of personal experience in this arena, managing my own finances and those of clients for nearly two decades as a business manager.  The disclaimer here, is that this blog is not about money, nor a snake oil solution to all that ails you in the cash department - but it is a call-out to the relinquishing of our personal power.  I use money as the example here, because I think it is a common energy block for many (including myself).  OK, so we are all in the same boat.  Let’s work through this one together and create a lifeboat big enough for all of us.Each day we stand at a crossroads of choice, some bearing more gravity than others.  We have obligations to fulfill in our careers, financial commitments to our creditors and promises to our friends and family.  Whew, that’s a lot – can there be time for anything else?We can often feel locked into our obligations and unable to see around them.  We surround ourselves with an arsenal of excuses and begin to believe them as truths.  Hiding behind this shield of excuse-making is comfortable, but it doesn’t make us happy.Perhaps you have thought of:-Writing the great American novel-Traveling the world-Starting your own business-Moving to a third world country to work as a missionaryFinish this sentence - I’ve always dreamed of…Are you doing something each day to step in the direction of that dream?  You won’t magically awake to a Dream-Welcoming-Crew without your conscious input.So back to the crux of the matter - what do you have hidden away under wraps, safely protected from the eyes and opinions of the world?  What do you pine for when you allow yourself to dream and just how far are you ready to go for it?When we allow ourselves to release that which we have been holding onto in our lives, we create room for something else to show up.  It’s just like cleaning out a jam-packed closet (see last week’s blog!)  If you discard the clutter, there is room to breathe.  Try releasing your attachment to the outcome and make way for possibility to arrive at the door.My personal share: I have been trying to practice what I preach…or at least stepping in the right direction.  I’ve only been half-joking recently when I tell friends that I feel like I’m dancing in stardust.  Because the reality is that to some, and even myself, it all seems a bit nuts.  I’ve got big stuff going on in my life, big transitions.  And I’m leaping with extraordinary faith into the life that I have always desired – to live a creative life of collaboration with my partner and to be of service.  I know what makes my soul sing, I also know what crushes my inspiration and makes me feel like I am suffocating.  I’m taking some bold steps – cutting my existing workload in half with my current career to create space for the manifestation of a new one.  I’m using savings to fund it and opening my eyes to seeing the whole picture of my life differently.Let’s be clear, just because I feel passion in my belly, doesn’t mean that I don’t wrestle with my fear and doubting voices.  Sometimes I lay awake in bed at night asking myself what if it doesn’t work, what if I lose everything?  What if I don’t try?  That is a much scarier question to me.What’s holding you back – an unhealthy relationship you’re afraid to let go of, an unfulfilling job with “security,” the fear of not having amassed enough in the bank…or is it simply the fear of failure?I’m not suggesting that you quit your job or walk away from your obligations.  All you need to do is to remind yourself of your primary obligation, the one to yourself.  Even if you don’t know how in the world you will ever bring it to fruition, gift yourself one step towards it.  It is in this space of faith that the magic happens.So guess what?  On October 1st, along with my team, we are publishing a new digital magazine Best Self.  The idea is to deliver and co-create extraordinary content to both inspire and empower readers to reach for their own best selves.I’m more excited and alive than at almost any time I can recall.  It’s inspiring me to encourage you to tap into your own dreams, in whatever capacity you can…this is where the stardust exists.  Beautiful synchronistic things start happening and beautiful synchronistic people arrive.In the words of my new friend, Nancy Levin, “Leap and your life will appear.” Keep an eye out for my posts with links to the magazine once we’ve gone LIVE.  In the meantime, check out the Best Self page on my website!  


Thank You – Guide Me – Please

