
PhotoYour energetic self called, they want your storage unit cleared out by the end of day!Oh my.  Can you imagine the shock and awe?  Clean out…you mean fully?During a recent conversation, a friend recounted the real estate negotiations pertaining to the impending purchase of his “dream house.”  Dream house, that is, aside for a few missing assets - lack of storage being at the top of the list.  And as only a woman shoving too many things into one bedroom closet can attest, I certainly appreciate this.  It got me thinking about “stuff” and how much of it we accumulate on a regular basis, how it informs our purchases and impacts our day-to-day lives.  We tend to ignore its power over us as we carry on in our accumulating ways.Moving from the confines of a city apartment to a house in the country availed me of space…space to collect stuff and to spread it out all over the place, on shelves, in boxes, in bins, in cabinets and in piles.  A hoarder’s euphoria.  Try as I may to bring consciousness to clearing out the clutter, regardless of how many spring cleaning rampages I go on, or yard sales I participate in, my “stuff” magically grows in girth and has taken on a life of its own.  What if someone were to tour your basement, garage, junk drawers and closets – what would they see?  Would you defend it?What’s with all the stuff?  What do we really need after all?  The bigger question is where do we start?  My personal clothing stands as a great metaphor.  Due to a lack of space, each fall and spring it is necessary for me to do a seasonal changeover.  As I dutifully sort through one season’s clothing and reunite with the previous one – I lovingly pull out sweaters that are like old friends, and place summer whites away for a seasonal sojourn.There are items that don’t make the cut and end up in a pile to be donated or handed down, but for the most part I systematically pull one season’s clothing out of storage bins and replace it with the other’s.  Truth be told, more clothing goes unworn and simply shuffles from bin to closet, repeat.  And while we are getting confessional here, I tend to wear the same favorite items of clothing over and over.  They say a good rule of thumb, when questioning if it is time to get rid of something, is to ask yourself if you have worn it within the last two years; if not…adios.As creatures of habit, we hold onto things – items and theories that may not be supporting our highest energetic selves.  You know that wonderful feeling of accomplishment and cleansing that arrives at the finish of a cleaning purge, when you look around, satisfied with your work, basking in the sparkly energy.  Doing our energetic cleanup is even more rewarding.  Too much “stuff” clogs the spiritual pipes.  It blocks us from seeing and feeling all that is possible and binds us to things we can move beyond.  When we are distracted, we simply carry on, life on auto-pilot.If you could look around your spiritual energy field, what aspect of your life could use a little spit-shine?  What do you need to purge?  Ask yourself, what is bogging you down, quietly yet deliberately latching onto your ankles?  Is it time for a yard sale of the soul?Do any of the following “too manys” resonate with you?:

  • Too many engagements driven by “shoulds”?
  • Too many excuses claiming there isn’t enough time to attend to your spiritual self?
  • Too many distractions and self-defeating thought patterns preventing you from tapping into your best self?

If you had to move tomorrow, if there was no place to shove your stuff, if you had to grab things before running out of a burning house – what would you bring?  Would you gather your clutter?Imagine your life and energy field free of roadblocks – a spanking clean slate.  Uncover the dusty boxes of the soul, draped in cobwebs, stored in damp basements and dark closets.  Release the shameful secrets and blocks.Let’s stop paying energetic storage fees and stop carting this stuff from one chapter of our lives into the next.  Simplify – clear – release, there’s a big white canvas waiting to be painted.Can you feel the freedom, feel the skip return to your step?  Aaah…room to dream.  


What do you have under wraps?


Roadwork Ahead