
photo[2]#Can I Throw My Computer Out The Window PleaseSo, I have a little egg on my face as I write this one, or perhaps it’s just a little taste of my own medicine.  Sitting at my desk this morning, attempting to meet various work deadlines, I received computer error message after error message.  Program after program, I experienced nothing but roadblocks followed by escalating agitation.  Can we talk bang-your-head-on-the-wall-frustration?  The clock was ticking, the computer was hiccupping and I was growing frustrated beyond the point of return – so much so, that after a few choice words, you know what kind, I wanted to toss my whole system across the room.  Can you relate?My anger masked my vulnerability.  It’s amazing how helpless one can feel when something that normally works perfectly fine with the mere click of a button, suddenly doesn’t.  My computer is one of those things I take for granted - until this morning when it began to feel as if all the electronics in my house were in retrograde.  And of course I was home alone.   No teenage-tech support to the rescue.The longer I sat there restarting programs, forcing fixes - the more agitated I became.Back to the egg on my face / taste of my own medicine - ironically (or not), I had just put the finishing touches on a Huffington Post piece, outlining insightful tidbits and steps to realign your karmic good standing.  I spoke of deep breaths, bonding with nature, long walks in the woods – blah, blah, blah.  But in my technical melt down, my own words went in one ear and right out the other – nothing Zen here.  I guess that’s why they say, we teach what we need to learn.  Hi, my name is Kristen and clearly I need to walk barefoot in the grass right about now.Finally, I waved the white flag…I give up.  Fine, be that way!  You win.Surrendering isn’t really my nature.  However, I knew I was heading down a bad path.  Control-alt-delete…actually we should throw a re-boot in there as well (not the computer, but me).  It was time to shift, or things were going to start flying.I glanced out my window at the pouring rain.  I didn’t want to get my feet wet, but I knew I needed a break from my office – Please, step away from the desk.  Clearly this was a message from the Universe.  A convention with nature, aaah yes, the antidote to perceived problems and gridlock.The first thing that came to mind – flower boxes.  If my computer isn’t working and I can’t get anything done at my desk...what do I want to do, I asked myself?  Flower boxes – I’ll go plant my flower boxes.I gave myself permission (or the Universe forced me), regardless – I spent the next few hours with my hands in the dirt planting flowers.Rain or shine, my troubles faded away.  It worked.  With a little infusion of practice-what-you-preach…I redirected the course of my day.Don’t let technical glitches, or any glitches for that matter – define you or take over, as frustrating and/or paralyzing as they may make you feel.And BTW, did you know that birds still sing in the rain?  If they can, why can’t we?  


I'm Sorry


Comfort Zone