
reflectorsWhen I looked up beyond the camera at a recent photo shoot, I was comforted by my friend Barbara’s happy face peeking over the large silver reflector she was holding for Bill, my personal in-house professional photographer-love.  Almost twice her size and awkward to hold – her willingness to be there made me smile.  She could have been off painting, kicking back taking a nap or doing the crossword puzzle, yet she was here.  As she stood maneuvering this apparatus before me, flooding my face with optimum light, I only half-joked how wonderful it would be to bask in this light on a daily basis.  After years as a fashion model, I knew my best light and angles.The reflector was a metaphor to me of so much more – the friends we keep close, the business associates we transact with, even the strangers we meet on the street. What are you reflecting for others and in turn what are they reflecting for you?  Each day we should be on a personal mission to make the world a little more beautiful.  And as we begin to see each other in the best possible light, we are met with an energetic match.  Like the little Ever-Ready Bunny, it goes on and on from there.So when I jumped back in the saddle for my first photo shoot (after many years) for my new website, it was comforting to have the love of an old friend who stood by in moral support (and flattering light).  I said a silent little prayer of gratitude for her mere presence in that moment and in the bigger picture of my life.  I didn’t want to forget her willingness to instantly accept my request that afternoon.  It inspired me to be a reflector.Ask yourself, what do you want to reflect for others and what do you want reflected around you (aside from perfect lighting that smooth’s out all the imperfections)?  Are you doing enough to see and be seen in the best possible light…better yet to see others the same way?Are you ready for your close up?


Who’s driving your bus?


Hocking the goods