Authentic Living: What Tidying Up Are You REALLY In Need Of?

Authentic living, living authentically 

Living authentically means not compartmentalizing our life and values

Doesn’t it seem as if everyone is abuzz with this tidying up business (you know, the cute little book written by Marie Kondo, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up)? Perhaps they’re more abuzz talking than they are in action, taking steps to apply it to their own lives? I think there’s more to the story.And something has been gnawing away at me of late. It’s this notion of compartmentalization, i.e. cleaning some rooms, but not the whole spiritual house. Hello? Thrust open those closet doors!How do we string it all together, through all aspects of our lives? How do we take the spirituality we glean on our yoga mats, or attending religious services, or from our meditation practices, and thread it throughout all pieces and parts of our lives in what I call a take-it-to-the-street ZEN reality?How do we unify all elements?Yes, we can clear the space and ask ourselves how the objects we surround ourselves with make us feel. Does this bring me joy? Does this drag me down? But what about taking it a step further into our relationships to our thoughts, words, actions, partnerships, careers, finances, and self-worth? How do we weave a unity of consciousness into our own Technicolor Dreamcoat? And then how do we become brave enough to model it for everyone to see?Compartmentalizing isn’t healthy when it comes to our beliefs and values. When we cannot reveal our true selves in all areas, we become the host of a masquerade ball; one that will inevitably circle back and rear its ugly face.Recently, I sat with a friend at a bar catching up, as she updated me on her current dating status quo. I was saddened to hear that she was holding back part of her spiritual self, feeling that it wasn’t something that needed to be shared in her dating arena — a non-requirement on her profile. How could that be, I thought. Then I reminded myself that I couldn’t stand in judgment; I’d actually been there many times before. One thing I did know, compartmentalizing isn’t an ingredient in the recipe for personal success. I’d learned that lesson a few times over. This conversation reiterated the need to build on this message. We need to cohesively bring together our whole selves.So where do we start? Check in with the various aspects of your life with these prompts:


  • Are you an imposter, hiding your true self, or parts of yourself?
  • Do the friends (or love partners) you surround yourself with lift you up or drag you down?

If you don’t wake up every morning grateful for the relationships in your life, if your social circle isn’t filled with dream-keepers -- perhaps a bit of tidying up is needed here. Less is more; quality, not quantity serves the soul.


  • Do you love what you do?
  • Do you believe you can turn your passion into a paycheck?
  • Do you believe that’s only for other people or that you made some irreparable turn along the way?

Each day we avail ourselves of the opportunity to make a new decision. If you boldly take a step in the direction of what lights you up, you will ignite an energetic surge – one that can get that new career-path-party going.


  • How does your spending make you feel?
  • Do you spend too much?
  • Do you give too little?
  • Are you afraid of not having enough?

Money is a highly charged subject – it can bring up both a sense of security and of fear, but it’s always connected to other stuff deep in the closet under the cobwebs. Align your financial decisions with your new uncluttered thinking.


  • Do your conversations with people generally make you feel empowered or deflated?
  • In email or social media, do you write things that you don’t actually resonate with?
  • Do you lug around judgmental thoughts that weigh you down?

If thoughts become things, then words become the vehicle. Neither should remain on autopilot. Grab the reins and start consciously editing.Living authentically means never hiding from any aspect of yourself. Our goal each day is to live purely, passionately and aligned with our intuitive voice. Cleaning out the junk drawer and the closets brings forth both a sense of accomplishment and clearing. Stringing that same celebration though the basic tenets of lives makes us unified, whole and at peace – a seriously winning combination for your ultimate best self.


Permission Granted (To Care For Yourself)


Tapping Into Your Incredible Power to Heal