Stuck / be or not to be

Stuck / be or not to be, by Kristen NoelThere’s nothing better than waking to a sparkly summer Friday morning beaming outside my window, to usher in all that is possible within the deep exhale that the weekend can provide…aside from it already being Saturday morning of course. At least for me, sunshine brings forth the “happy” and so does the end of the workweek. It’s not that I don’t like my “work” per se, but I do associate the weekend with a get-free ME pass. Translation: I give myself permission to step away from the desk, to not return every email or message immediately, without guilt. I don’t think I’m alone in this thinking.How do we rescript this?What would life look like if we could infuse that delicious weekend anticipation into the rest of the week? I was stunned when a friend of mine once stated that in her week there are no differentiations between days – they all blend together. Really? I want to insert a little of that into mine, because Monday never feels like Friday around here. Could you imagine designing a life where this is possible?The funny thing is that my life isn’t that conventional to begin with, but I’m going to go out on a limb and declare that is it my intention to make it even less so - significantly less so. Hey, it’s my life, right? So who gets to decide? And the truth is that’s the only way anything is going to change around here…by declaring it.We need to make declarations – to put them out into the world fearlessly and create the space for our desires to arrive. Sounds easy right? Yes and no. But the good news is that you can truly choose to transform your status quo, one decision in the right direction at a time. The real roadblock is that most people aren’t willing to shift anything as they bathe in their very own pool of “yeah buts.” Let’s face it – the status quo is not a breeding ground for transformation. You can’t have it both ways. It doesn’t mean that absolutely everything has to change, but we have to be willing to give it a whirl – to believe in possibility.While away camping this summer, I met a woman early one morning sitting outside the one place we could buy coffee and baked goods. We struck up a 2-coffee conversation. Bright, interesting, accomplished and brave – she arrived alone and capably set up her own campsite, tent and all (some serious kudos). It was her week to decompress from what she described as a “high stress” job in finance. I joked saying, “well I hope that at the very least they pay you millions of dollars” – as the words escaped my mouth, I instantly regretted it. Stuck was the word that immediately came to mind. She’s stuck - she doesn’t think she has a choice. I wondered what was going on in her life, what was she bound by that she was willing to exchange her happiness, her vibrancy, her wellbeing for? One week to decompress from the insanity of the other 51? It made me think how we all have a price tag we assign to ourselves. What’s yours? What do you pay the price for?God knows I have enough to deal with in my own backyard to get involved with analyzing what’s going on in someone else’s. I don’t know all the details and particulars of her experiences and or circumstances. I certainly don’t judge her, but I do inherently believe we all make choices and then somewhere along the way forget that we are in control. In those moments speaking with her, I could see me in her and in turn she in me. And I blew a silent wish for her into the Universe – a wish that she could be released from seeing herself as limited.I talk to a lot of peers who are “stuck,” bound by the cinder blocks of obligations. Yes we have to pay for our cost of living, but the reality is that we choose that cost of living. It doesn’t have to be the way it is, the way it always has been or the way people think it should be.Are you living the life that makes you excited to get out of bed like it’s the weekend? If not, what is standing in your way? Could you imagine Wednesday as the new Saturday, or a life in which the calendar days didn’t inform your mood or energy? Could you imagine that no matter where you are, what your current circumstances are, what the details of the past are, what “wrong” turns you may believe you have taken, how many obligations you think you have…could you imagine being vibrantly alive and doing exactly what your heart desires? Let’s go a step further…could you believe you have access to it?If you answered yes – ask yourself what step could you take today to move a bit closer in that direction, even if only to test the waters? If you answered no – dig down and find out why. First question: Do you really believe that creating the life you deeply desire is unattainable, or is that some untruth once told to you by someone else that you have been lugging along for the ride for many years?Stretching beyond all limitations, what could you declare to make your heart sing?For me, it’s this: I want to be geographically independent, living a passionate and abundant life – creating content to inspire others to activate their superpowers.You?  


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