Is Your Life 1/2 Full or 1/2 Empty?

Kristen Noel life 1/2 empty or life 1/2 fullThe signs are everywhere, literally. And as our lovely 2nd cover co-creator and 6th Sensory teacher, Sonia Choquette, reminded me in a recent vlog - our guides and angels are always sending us messages, always communicating with us – and they are often right in front of our faces. OK, so I’m not saying that mine were advising me to head on out to “Happy Hour,” but I’m convinced they have a wicked sense of humor and a voracious appetite for whimsy. It was of no surprise to me that this commonly-referred to saying, whose overall theme appeared to be playing out in my life this past week, was being served up with a sassy twist - “It doesn’t matter if the glass is ½ full or ½ empty - there’s always room for more wine.“ It made me laugh, so much so that I had to take a picture of it. Et Voila!Yes, this past week it seems as if I have been surrounded by people and life events that have made me take pause – and ask, hmmmm, what is the larger life purpose at play here? Each day we get to decide how we want to perceive what is unfolding around us. We make a choice to see it one way or another – plain and simple. We can accept it as something holding a gift disguised in the form of a lesson or message, or not. I know, that’s easy to say especially when advising another or analyzing someone else’s situation – but when it comes to the home base, we often respond in a Yes, but this is a REAL problem way. Bottom line: They are all “real” kinds of problems as long as we fuel the fire and give them the energy to be so.I’m getting better about not freaking out or responding to things / situations that I cannot control or change. The more I flex this muscle, the stronger my inner calm and resolve becomes. Trust me, it’s a much better position to operate from.Remember, things happen for a reason, even if it is simply to propel us towards our best selves. We can regroup at anytime. Are you connected to your purpose and passion?I want to leave you with 5 take-aways inspired by a recent talk to help you to keep moving in that direction and staying accountable to YOU: 

  • CHECK IN: What’s already working in your life? What’s makes you uncomfortable? A good litmus test – at a high school reunion – what would you be talking about, what are you going to make sure you are NOT talking about. That might be a good place to shine a spotlight.


  • DIG DEEP: Be honest. Shoving things under the proverbial rug doesn’t mean they go away, eventually you will trip over them yet again. The past is the past and its looking at your ass – and if you want to keep it in the past, you have to really look at it. What was its purpose, what can I learn from it - and then let it go. For me, I had to let go of seeing myself as a victim. (You can’t activate your superpowers while hosting a pity party.)


  • DAYDREAM: Now that we’ve done emotional housekeeping, let’s redecorate. What’s the dream? And no excuses – release limited thinking. Louise Hay started Hay House Publishing, the largest self-empowerment publishing house, now a global brand, when she was 60 years old. Visualize it, then build the plan.


  • DECLARE IT: No hiding – put it in writing, create a vision board, write your personal mission statement, share it with loved ones, colleagues. Ask for help - stereotypically, women are not great at asking for help. They are great at nurturing others. Get clear on what you need help with and ask for it. Be brave, be bold, believe.


  • HOLD TIGHT: Doubt will invariably rear its ugly head, like an unwanted pimple at the most inopportune time. Talk back. Stand up for yourself. Release yourself from guilt and “shoulds” – I should be doing this, my family expects me to do this, my boss wants me to do this…fill in your own blank. It’s not a competition – no one’s getting voted off the island. Go back to that WHY, that vision board, your mission statement.

 I’ve said this before – you can flip an apparent bad day or series of events. Flip that sucker like a pancake. Anything you are experiencing can be tossed over to reveal it’s counterpart – so do you want to see your life through ½ full or ½ empty lenses? You choose - and either way, there’s room for more wine!


What Are You Bringing To The (Yard Sale) Table?


Learning From The Path