Resolution Fatigue?

photoResolution fatigue got you flat on your back?If you are anything like me – you needed a little breather from the hustle and bustle of the holidays and the subsequent digging out from beneath them. I still haven’t taken down my Christmas tree! I’m having a hard time letting go of its twinkly white lights illuminating my living room. The last thing you probably needed then is a January 1 alert bell sounding, calling you to task and holding you accountable to your new year’s resolutions.Those poor resolutions – they’re getting a bad rap and beginning to sound like a dirty word just about now, a mere two weeks into our new year. Come on, give them a break – it’s not their fault. You called them forth and declared them. Cut yourself (and them) some slack.We need to rename our resolutions and give them the love they deserve. What if we agreed to call them – RE-intentions? And quite frankly, while we all get so caught up in the calendar start of a new year – clean slate, new beginning, etc. – just a little FYI: We are, in fact, availed of this opportunity at the start of every day, from the moment we open our eyes. So, let’s stop setting ourselves up for failure. Instead, set yourself up for success by declaring your intentions, and taking steps toward them, each day.I thought this would be a great place for us to meet again. When we last left off in December, the holiday train had pulled out of the station and we were moving fast and furiously into the thick of it all. So, how’d that work out for you? Did you keep your holiday promises regarding self-care and family time? Stepping back for a moment, did you even give it some mind-time? That’s right, in between all the festivities, planning and partying – you are not only supposed to take care of yourself, you need to put forth a little intention and awareness toward designing the year before you.Is your head spinning yet?Let’s get real, unless you have given your resolutions for the new year some serious thought prior to all of the holiday festivities, it probably isn’t the best time to sit quietly and map it all out. Suddenly there is a deadline upon us –and you feel like you’re behind the curve ball if you haven’t gotten your list of intentions for the Universe together. Tick-Tock. Like Cinderella at the ball, the clock is about to strike midnight; quick – scramble and get something, anything, down.You laugh? Somewhere within, we are all a bit addicted to this notion of resolutions. Are we gluttons for punishment? I’m not going to lie; I energetically felt the calendar pages flying by as a bit of unease and pressure mounted within me those last days of 2014.OK – so here’s the deal. I outlined a small list of intentions for the holidays – but the truth is, they didn’t all go as planned. My holidays weren’t perfectly ZEN and I didn’t adhere to all of my self-care initiatives or my New Year’s resolutions. I, Kristen, am a self-professed Resolution School dropout. There – I said it. It’s all on the table.So where do I go from here?Sometimes I look around at all the amazing people out there, my co-creators in BEST SELF Magazine, and all of those putting great inspirational content out into the world and I think – I’m sure they’ve got this perfectly buttoned-up. I’m sure their mediation practices are impeccable and that they aren’t distracted by a monkey-mind jumping all over the place. I’m sure their lives are a Zen retreat personified.These are the kind of untruths we tell ourselves. So let’s get back on track (our own track) and, as Abraham-Hicks says, let’s put in a new disc. Clear the old pipes and lay new ones. If you step out of bed on the proverbial wrong foot, give yourself a pass – acknowledge it, administer a little self-hug and regroup. Step back into the beautiful NOW.Forget about the resolutions – they only matter if you live and breathe them. My re-routed resolution is to slow down and simplify. My 2015 re-intention is to ramp up my meditation practice. No excuses – I can take this one along with me no matter where I go. This is where I can quiet the noise of the world around me, release the untruths floating around in my head and connect to the stillness of all that is possible – endless, blissful, limitless possibility. This is where I meet up with divine inspiration and creativity.Shake it up a little – infuse some new energy into your quiet space: Redesign your meditation area, make a little alter, try a new practice, purchase a yummy candle, create your own ceremony and commit to ME-time.It is within this meditative space that we come face-to-face with our best selves. Sometimes it requires a slight re-alignment, but you’re there. You’ve got this. Could you gift yourself 3 minutes each morning? Start in manageable bite-size bits and build from there. Watch your practice grow, breathe in its goodness and bask in its healing power over you.And remember, resolutions start today. They start with every day. Call them what you like, just call them.I’d love to hear how you re-align. How are you feeling about resolutions?


Je Suis Best Self


May your jar runneth over