Yeah, BUT...

 photo copy 2“Yeah, but…”

“The life I live is created by the story I tell”

~Abraham – Hicks

I kind of, sort of, really want to believe that’s true, but somehow another story continues to creep in and seems to be playing out in my life.  Oh come on…we all have some aspect of our lives, no matter how enlightened we may believe we are, in which we experience a little hiccup and stumble every so often.  The sooner we get real with it, shine the light on it and call it out for the imposter that it is, the sooner we can move on from here.  Bright lights and enlightenment, here we come!We tell stories and create or adopt myths about ourselves, sometimes from long ago, carrying them throughout our lives like a heavy burden.  We tell them over and over enough times until eventually, we believe them to be true.  Now, as long as they are productive, happy stories – we’re all good.  But let’s take a little detour to the basement – the dark place where you harbor your shadows, hiding them away from even those closest to you (and worse yet, yourself).  Maybe they are your true beliefs about money, love relationships, your career, your self-image.  Maybe no one knows how you really feel inside.  Perhaps you have things all buttoned up on the outside.  It takes a tremendous amount of effort each day to put that game face on.  But what if you could match the inner and outer you?  Imagine them being aligned energetically, an unstoppable force to be reckoned with – a life of all green lights and endless possibility - particularly, because you are getting out of your own way.So why not?  What’s stopping you?It’s your lack of imagination.  Pull the needle from the record – Buzz Kill Alert - as soon as a dream appears…the reality - it is typically met with a Yeah, But.  A “yeah-but” is just your left-brain tricking you.  It is your unimaginative, inner scaredy cat – the one that tells you, you can only color on the inside of the coloring book lines.  It is your built in excuse-making machine working away on overdrive.  All the thought leaders and guides out there will tell you that you may have to fake it before you make it – hold the thought you intend to manifest instead of the one that supports your defeatist attitudes.I feel the left-brain kicking in here…that’s ridiculous!  You have to deal with reality, let’s get back to the misery.  Can I hear a Hell No?  If the perceived reality at any point is a feeling of “less than,” wouldn’t it feel better to imagine the feeling of “what if?”  Putting out an APB, calling all youthful dreamers – that part of you that once knew no boundaries, the sky was the limit.For example I’ll use money and financial burdens.  Feel free to implement your own woe.  Give this little dual polarity exercise a whirl and see what comes up for you, a little “back talk” never hurt anyone.  Let it rip.So you choose:1.) I’m on this continuous debt cycle going nowhere fast.  I’ll be stuck here and in this job for the rest of my life.  This is all there is for me.Or…2.) All is well.  I’m grateful for this job that funds my dream and is helping me transition from point A to point B in my career.  I know it’s coming and I’m looking forward to repaying all of my financial debts.  I wonder why this is still here…what does it have to teach me?It’s time to decide which track your train is pulling out on and which station it’s headed for.What are you waiting for?  Whose life is this any way – and who are you hurting most by not digging deeper, excavating your past, revealing the gifts, following your heart?  “Yeah, but” will provide you with the arsenal of excuses you need in order to retreat quietly back into your corner, pretending that none of this ever happened.But it did.  And knowing that you will never truly be fulfilled unless you follow your authentic voice and calling, you better get on it.  Forget the “Yeah, buts” and try replacing them with the “What ifs.”  What if, doors miraculously open for me and I get an opportunity to live out my life doing exactly what makes my heart sing?  It doesn’t matter what anyone else has to say about that.  Yes, there are practical realities to our daily lives…but what about the magic, the unicorns and all the possibility?  The only limitations are the ones you believe in.What if, you just replaced just one of your “yeah, buts” with a “what if”…feel the difference in your body as you say it.  It shifts everything.  Building blocks my friends…if you build it, it will shift – I promise.Let the magic unfold.  Dream on.  I believe in happy endings, what about you?      


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