Wanted: New Job Title

photo[1] copy 4Admittedly, we all spend a great deal of time fluffing up the exterior, portraying ourselves in a certain light as a means to acquire more stuff – clients, business, money, notoriety and in some cases, even people.Hold the line please.  We are not the Google searches of our names, the titles on our business cards, the bottom line of our balance sheet, or all the stories that preceded us – the good, the bad and the ugly.  Those are the pieces and parts (the operative word being part) that come together to inform the whole.  But what about what’s not noted on our business cards -- the passion, the soul-calling, the desire to be of service, to be aligned with a mission, to make a mark on the world?  What are we all really doing here in the first place?  We each came here with a purpose and a unique voice.  What are you doing with yours?  I can’t hear you.Life is a balancing act of Cirque du Soleil proportions.  Sometimes we feel more adept at it than others, but when we are in alignment with the stuff that makes our soul sing, we know it.  Its effects are undeniable.  Everything feels easier, there’s a little skip to our step.  Things simply flow.Do you feel you have to keep these spiritual callings to yourself?  Left to your own devices, will you shuffle it all to the side or heed the call?I’m not suggesting you head to the town square and stand on a soap box, but couldn’t we all infuse a little more of this soulful call to action into our every day routine?  Try identifying your soul’s job title, topped by a dollop of playfulness.What would your spiritual calling card read?  I have officially deemed myself, Chief Lemonade-Maker.  I’ve made a conscious effort to flip my sad-sack stories into inspiring tales.  I’ve chosen to tell them differently than I had in the past.  You can choose to do the same thing as well.  It’s all there for the taking.  If you don’t like the story you are telling, tell it differently, of course that requires seeing it differently.  Dig for the deeper meaning in it all – the hidden gifts and messages that were intended to help you grow into your best YOU, like a sunflower reaching for the light each morning.  Embrace your battle wounds and scars.  You earned them.  Now go forth and make something of them – your own Technicolor Dream Coat.  Remember, none of your experiences were for naught.Have a little fun and create your new business card.  Grab some markers, write it down and declare it, even if only to yourself.  Imagine what it would feel like to infuse a bit of that energy, enthusiasm and lightheartedness into your day.  Give it a go and watch the stardust appear.But let’s be real, we all have “those” days – the kind where nothing feels right, no matter what we do.  In truth, we are the ones bringing the negative mojo to the party and perpetuating whatever we are experiencing.  In those getting-up-on-the-wrong-side-of-the-bed moments, we need a shift in perception.  Try bringing a little bit of your creative title to the party in order to turn the ship around.  Some days when I’m sitting down at my desk attending to pesky business and I feel like I’m slipping into that negative place, I ask myself, “What would the Chief Lemonade-Maker do in this situation?”  She would declare, “I’m a problem solver.  Better yet there are no problems!”  Much of what is unfolding around us is a result of how we perceive it.  It may sound like an oversimplification, but get back to me after you have given it a whirl and adjusted your view.It’s time to get loud and proud, to claim your whole self.  Start gathering up all of those pieces and parts.  Caring for the inside and the outside includes listening to that unattended voice that screams from deep inside…Let me out, I want to sing, I’m really fun, and I have a gift for the world...and by the way, here’s my new job title. What’s your new soul title…and when do you start your new job?  


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