What's coming up for you?

Screen Shot 2014-03-27 at 4.54.41 PM“There are only 2 days in the year that nothing can be done.  One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow, so today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live.”   - Dalai Lama What’s coming up for you?Sticking to the pinky swear I made in my last blog -- declaring a cease fire on complaining about, what is feeling like an endless winter right about now - morsels of hope are breaking their way through the snow, ice, frozen ground and winter debris, as I type.  These bursts of color seem almost electrified in stark contrast to the landscape of gray hues.  The arms of nature are about to stretch outward exhaling after a long deep sleep.  Now what?And with that comes renewal, rebirth and a chance to redesign your flowerbeds and your life.  What’s waiting to breakthrough in your world?  Maybe it’s something new and in that case, go forth and be brave.  Perhaps it’s something you want to take down, like a destructive trait not serving your higher good.  Whatever it is, spring is the moment to come alive again.  It’s time to wake up.  Put your feet out on the right side of the bed and watch the beautiful things that bloom.So, what’s it gonna be for you? What promise are you going to make to yourself?  (More self-care, a new project, more green juice, less stress, more YOU time, write a book, take a painting class, take a daily hike etc.)  Whatever it is, make a personal declaration and never break a pinky-swear to self.Refrain from saying things like, “there just aren’t enough hours in the day.”  Rewrite that narrative and take ownership of it…“there is enough time to get everything I need to get done, done.”  Create space for a willingness to see things differently.  At the end of the day, there’s only one person to answer to – and she’s the one reading this right now; remind her that she gets to choose.  When there is a will there is a way.  Listen to that voice within you and hear your soul sing.Spring forward young Jedis…go forth and break through!So tell me, what it’s going to be for you?  As always, I love to hear your comments/commitments below!


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Missing (Inner) Child